Low-sodium diet for weight loss



Low-sodium diet for weight loss

Low-sodium diet for weight loss

All you need to know about the low-sodium diet for weight loss

It is known that excessive intake of salt is one of the risk factors for cardiovascular diseases such as high blood pressure and kidney failure. This is why many people are interested in adopting a low-sodium regimen as a method of disease prevention. This system is based on reducing salt in food or eating salted foods to improve overall health. Mostly the world's dietitians recommend this low-sodium diet for patients with high blood pressure or kidney problems. But at the present time, it has been found that it is an attractive suggestion to take care of your health after it has been proven by many experiments and researches that it is the fastest diet that helps to lose weight and sculpt the body effectively as more salt leads to fluid retention in the body, and it also increases your sense of hunger. You may be wondering what exactly is the sodium diet and what are the proper criteria for obtaining desired results from its followers? Keep reading the article and you will find answers to all your questions about this dieting.

What is the harm of excess salt in the body?

According to nutrition experts in the world, any healthy diet must include between 2 to 5 grams of salt per day in order for the body to meet a certain amount of salt to help it perform its vital functions well. Salt is one of the main minerals for the health of many-body systems.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), most people consume much of the salt in many of the foods they eat regularly. So it is easy to consume almost twice the recommended daily amount. Here lies the risk of accumulating excess salt in your body, causing serious health problems as mentioned above.

Why should you limit salt intake?

Reducing excess salt intake is one of the basic measures to stay healthy. By following a low-sodium diet, it can help improve body functions affected by excess salt, whose accumulation leads to more common health problems:

  • Fluid retention
  • Deficiency in blood circulation
  • - hypertension
  • Diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract
  • Deterioration of the stomach mucosa
  • Difficulty absorbing food

With all of the damage that salt causes you, it is not recommended to completely get rid of it in your food, but you should eat it only in small doses that do not harm but are useful in maintaining a good balance of fluids inside your body. Salt is also necessary for cells and nerve connections.

Conditions for following a low-sodium diet

In the beginning, nutrition experts assure you that following a low-sodium diet does not prevent a healthy and balanced diet, as you can reduce excess salt intake and respect the intake of the recommended daily intake by applying some basic rules:

  • Do not add more table salt while cooking
  •  - Find an alternative to regular salt by changing the method of cooking food and using spice
  • Choose foods that contain a low percentage of sodium such as: red meat, fish, fresh vegetables and fruits, legumes and whole grains, dried fruits, natural seeds, low-fat milk, yogurt, olive oil, spices, and herbs.
  • Avoid sodium-rich foods such as: soft drinks, appetizers, canned and prepared foods, industrial bread and pastries, white cheese, salted butter, frozen foods, cubes of gravy, roasted salted or roasted fruits in the oven, sauces and artificial spices, fried food, spicy appetizers Like olives and pickled cucumbers.

Low-sodium diet for easy weight loss

Simply following a low-sodium diet, you'll simply need to identify and avoid foods high in salt.


- A cup of milk + 2 pieces of toast (without salt) greased with a little honey + a cup of boiled herbs.


Seasonal fruit or a cup of homemade vegetable milk (200 ml) like coconut milk or almonds.


A small dish of salt-free vegetable soup with olive oil + a piece of lean red meat + 2 slices of whole-wheat toast without sodium.


A cup of yogurt mixed with natural seeds, such as oat seeds.


Steamed vegetable platter + boiled rice bowl without salt and flavored with herbal spices + 2 grilled chicken breasts + 1 banana

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