Side effects of the vaccine Moderna COVID-19: How long will continue



Side effects of the vaccine Moderna COVID-19: How long will continue

Side effects of the vaccine Moderna COVID-19: How long will continue

Moderna  clinical trials, a trusted source, found that injection site pain, fatigue, headaches, and aches and pains were commonly reported after vaccination.

Since millions of people have gone through the trials, the main side effects include pain at the injection site along with chills, headache and fever.

In general, the elderly are less likely to experience side effects after a vaccination.

More than 47 million doses of Moderna vaccine have been given to adults in the United States since the FDA issued an emergency use authorization for Imaging on December 18, 2020.

Moderna clinical trials, a trusted source, found that injection site pain, fatigue, headaches, and aches and pains were commonly reported after vaccination.

Now, with many shots in the arms, we were able to get a clearer look at the side effects caused by the Moderna vaccine.

Like those who participated in clinical trials, people usually reported pain at the injection site along with chills, headache, and fever.

There have also been several reports of a "COVID arm" after the Moderna vaccination, a harmless rash that is likely due to the ingredients in the vaccine.

Reactions are usually more severe after the second dose and in people who have previously had COVID-19.

Infectious disease doctors say that these reactions are expected, because they indicate that the immune system is doing its job in learning to recognize and fight the Coronavirus.

The most common side effects after taking a dose of Moderna

The most common symptoms are pain at the injection site, chills, headache, and fever. A reliable source People suffer after receiving the moderna vaccine.

All of these reactions - temporary and non-threatening - indicate that the vaccine does its job. It usually goes away within a few days.

“Because the vaccine works to 'train' your immune system to start developing antibodies, pain is a sign of inflammation that occurs as part of this process,” said  Dr. Shobha Swaminathan, professor of adjunctive medicine at  Rutgers New Jersey Medical School. .

Like other vaccines, each person's response can be somewhat different.

In general, the elderly are less likely to experience side effects after a vaccination.

Recent data from a reliable source indicates that women tend to experience more side effects after vaccination.

It is not clear exactly why side effects differ between the sexes. Some health experts believe that women are more likely to report side effects, while others believe that there is a biological component.

Several people have also reported a rash on the arm where they received the injection - aka the COVID arm..

"This is a very common side effect and may be related to ingredients in the vaccine intended to teach the immune system that something dangerous is being introduced," said Dr. Anne Liu, an infectious disease physician at Stanford Health Care.

Hypersensitivity, which is a severe allergic reaction, appears to be rare. Anaphylaxis also appears to be more common in women.

Reactions are more severe after the second dose and the development of COVID-19

Moderna is a messenger RNA (mRNA) vaccine that teaches our cells to make a piece of SARS-CoV-2 and build an immune response against it.

This way, if a person is exposed to the Coronavirus, their body will already know how to fight it and prevent severe disease.

It is the first "base" dose and trains your body to recognize the virus, according to Swaminathan.

"Since this is the first exposure, reactions tend to be moderate," Swaminathan said.

The second dose, the "booster," further boosts the immune response.

"Since patients" saw "the vaccine from the first shot, the second booster was an exaggerated response to the same vaccine," Swaminathan said.

Research also indicates that reactions are more severe in people who have previously had COVID-19 since they likely have some level of pre-existing immunity.

How Moderna's reactions compare to other shots

Reactions to the Moderna vaccine are similar to those reported after the Pfizer vaccine, which is also an mRNA vaccine.

Moderna and Pfizer mRNA vaccine recipients commonly reported injection site pain and redness after the first dose, along with fatigue and joint pain after the second dose.

"The reactions to the mRNA vaccines weren't terribly different, and certainly not so great that an individual should choose one or the other based on side effects," Liu said.

In clinical trials, a Johnson & Johnson shot was associated with milder side effects compared to mRNA shots.

"Since Moderna and Pfizer require two doses and most side effects come from the second shot, the J&J vaccine may have slightly fewer side effects," Swaminathan said.

The bottom line

With more than 47 million doses of the Moderna vaccine being administered to Americans, we are getting a clearer picture of the types of side effects that can occur after

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